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English-Hindi > ring dove

ring dove meaning in Hindi

ring dove sentence in Hindi

वलय पंडुक
ring    बाड़ा घंटी बाली
dove    पंडुक कपोत कबूतर
1.Eggshell thinning and reduced offspring survival were noted in the mallard duck, American kestrel, ring dove, and screech owl.

2.Unlike the case for females, male nest-building among ring doves depends on the behavior of the prospective mate rather than on hormonal mechanisms.

3.His department's research explored the genetic improvement of corn and other food crops, poultry, dairy cattle, other livestock, ring doves.

4.The park featured a wildlife species such as the hangul, musk deer, Himalayan black bear, leopard, Himalayan serow and 70 species of birds, including the paradise flycatcher, Himalayan monal, ring dove and Himalayan snowcock.

5.She refused to have such modern conveniences as the refrigerator, telephone or electric light . " Ring Doves And Snakes " ( 1989 ) was a much darker book about their time on the Greek island of Naxos.

How to say ring dove in Hindi and what is the meaning of ring dove in Hindi? ring dove Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.